Book Review - "What Went Wrong - why he left me"

WHAT WENT WRONG - why he left me
"11 common mistakes done by her"

My Book Ratings - 4 out of 5
Free download - today and tomorrow (23-07-2017 and 24-07-2017)
I am really not a book reader seriously but I still have read this one. I was going through quite a tough face in my own relationship. So, was actually ready to accept any solution to make it a little better. I accidently found this book on Amazon when I was searching something is not that popular yet, as it is written by a new author ( K. A. Patil ).....But I am glad that I found it..... Usually authors didn't give much information in the table of contents. As I have heard that it is a kind of their marketing strategy that if they will put more information there in the contents then it can reduce their sales..... People normally take an idea from the table of contents and then think that there is no need to purchase that book. After reading the contents they visualize that they already knew what would have be in the book.
I am also one of them, if I also get an idea about the content present in the book then I don't purchase it..... But this routine was changed by this book..... The table of contents gave me full idea of the content in the book but still I don't know why I purchased it.... Maybe because of my depression I did that.... But I am glad that I did it......
Lets have a look to the contents of this book... According to this book those 11 mistakes that are done by us in a relationship are mentioned below...... No one had noticed it but you get a bonus in this book as the book title says that it will tell you about 11 mistakes but it actually makes you aware about 12 mistakes...... Awesome...right !!!!
* Never ever show too much desperation
* Never try to be his Mother
* Stop being a satellite
* Don't be a reviewer all the time
* Trust your man
* Always trying to change him according to you
* Never change yourself for anybody
* Not taking care of yourself
* Stop being boring
* Stop being too easy for him
* Don't dump your insecurities onto him
* Help him to take that big step into your relationship
* Conclusion

You can see that the table of contents itself give you full idea about what would have been present in the book.
But .....You are wrong ...... absolutely wrong.......
I also thought the same thing......but you have no idea the content present in these chapters is how much informative and useful.....
You know something when someone writes on the basis of real-life experiences then the outcome obviously comes up with some unique points that we can't imagine ourselves......
This book clearly proves this point...... 
The author had mentioned the real life experiences of the couples and their problems with real examples.....She clearly wrote what was getting wrong in a relationship by female side.....why we are suffering, or getting hurt all the time, or not happy in a relation and so much more....... Those points that are usually ignored by us or those highly important things that we consider are not that important in a relationship are effectively mentioned in a very easily understandable language....
I was also one of the girls who lost her love and after reading this book I got the answer "why" I lost him. I actually made it too easy for him to get me, now I got it that it was my own mistake.... Also I didn't risk my love to let him realize that he also can't live without me.....I have actually realized that there so many others out there just like me lost there love because of some other stupid mistakes.......
See - My friend lost her love because she was over possessive and never really trusted her man completely..... My cousin lost her partner as she trusted him blindly...... The author clearly mentioned the difference between trusting someone blindly and trusting someone completely......  I never ever realized that it could have a huge difference between these two things.... This was just an over view about it but you will get so many extremely valuable points to learn from this short book......
Whether you are in a relationship or not, whether you love someone or not but I think each and every girl or woman should read this book at least once in her life to keep some very important points in mind to be aware when you want to step in a permanent relationship.....
For a 38 page book it may seem a little expensive but when it comes to the information inside it, the book is surely worth the value paid for it.....
I was so happy from the book that I decided to write a blog post for this book and the author. It was the best favor that I could have returned to her for her help. As she is a new author so any kind of promotion was a precious gift for her.....
Free to download for 2 days i.e. on today and tomorrow if you want to read it or buy it, then just go don't have to pay even a single penny for its Kindle version...... Really me really you are very lucky..... 
Below are present all the versions available in the market..... you can visit any of them and buy according to your convenience........ 
Kindle version
KDP Paperback and Create Space

K. A. Patil (
FB page link - K. A.

Author's page -
I Thank her so much from the deep of my heart.......She actually made me realize my mistakes and also made me aware about some other, so that I could never repeat them again...... I have learnt a lot from it..... I don't know about anybody else's experiences but it was very helpful for me and so I will be grateful to her forever.......I hope she would research more and write more about relationships........... I am definitely going to read her future work.....
I pray that no one ever lose the love of their life and bare the pain of a broken heart like me.......But still if you think that your relationship is in danger then you should definitely give a try to this awesome book and learn something to save your heart from getting broke........ All the best !!!!

Thank you so much for visiting !!!!!!! Love you all !!!!!!


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