Ooo we are eating 100+ Parle Products!!!!

Ooo we are eating 100+ Parle products!!!
Can you believe this we have been eating more than 100+ products manufactured by Parle company..... Read full post to get an idea of each one.....

Parle is one of the oldest biscuit company I have ever heard. I have a very sweet memory of Parle company. When I was a kid I never ever used to eat Parle G as it was kind of local biscuit in my eyes and I used to ignore it by saying that it didn't had good taste. But when I was in 4th standard our school arranged a special visit to Parle G factory. This visit to the factory completely changed my views for Parle G. I still remember the sweet melodious smell of freshly made Parle G biscuits which was coming out from the factory, that actually brought lot of water in my mouth and I was desperately waiting to taste them. I remember that the factory was so clean and it was really amazing to see making of biscuits in a step by step procedure.
Most of the memories of that visit has been faded now but that sweet melodious smell of fresh biscuits along with that amazingly delicious taste of them will remain forever in my lovely memories. Now every time I eat Parle G, I try to remember that taste but I know it was the best and nothing can beat it. I don't know whether I will ever get any chance to visit that factory again and eat those fresh biscuits but if I got then, I will be the happiest person alive as it will let me live my lovely childhood memory once again.....
I actually had no idea that Parle products are available in that much variety. Most of the people including me never noticed that the things that we eat daily or like the most to eat, generally had Parle written over it. It had a huge possibility that we would have never been aware of all the Parle products if they haven't released their recent incredible advertisement "Parle, naam to suna hoga".
Parle G is the one of the most popular as well as largest selling biscuits in India. As it is a great tasting glucose biscuit in a very low price that even a highly poor family can afford it comfortably.


Monaco is the best salty biscuit of every time. The one who didn't like sweet biscuits are surely eating Monacos.....since a very long time.


Top biscuit, ooh my God I actually was not been able to believe that Top was also manufactured by Parle. As it was the most common and famous biscuit in my house.....and no one in my house can afford to live one day without eating it with tea or coffee...

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20-20 cashew cookies are like a gift from the side of Parle as it has saved a lot of money that we used to spend on other cashew biscuits like Gooday.... Also how can I forget to mention the great taste of that 20-20 Jeera cookies, they are the best seriously 'the best' of all..... I still remember when I tasted it first time, I really got mad. Then I searched it everywhere in the market to shop them in a large amount to never face the problem of it, being out of stock.....It is one of my daily jobs to eat it without fail..... It is so good in taste that I finish one small packet daily......

Hide & Seek, do I have to mention it that it tastes heavenly. If I want to eat chocolate + biscuit then I am surely going to eat some hide & seek..... I haven't tasted all of them but I am sure each one is heavenly in its own taste.....






 Only Parle can manufacture and launch delicious cream biscuits in such a low price of 5 rupees..... I am really not kidding at all they are seriously tasty.....specially elaichi and orange flavor.... they are my favorite ones.....




Mexitos, I actually want to taste this one desperately... but somewhere I am not getting enough time to step out in the market to buy and eat.........

 Melody is one of my favorite chocolates....and if you want to ask me that why I love to eat Melody then "Melody khao khud jaan jao".......

Kaccha mango bite is my mother's most favorite candy. Whenever she gets upset with me I give her this candy to refresh her mood.... and it works all the time... Thanks a ton to Parle for that....


Personally I have not tasted all the these products of Parle yet... But I would love to eat all of them...I have shared my experiences with some of the Parle products that plays a very important role in my life... I hope they will keep coming with lots and lots of new tasty products......
In India when we show respect for someone we use to add "ji" after their name.... and according to me Parle surely deserves that 'G' for its seniority, variety of products and their delicious tastes.....
Thank you so much for visiting!!!! Love you all!!!!!


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