I am Healthy. Am I ????

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  I am healthy...... Am I ?????? 

Image result for Am i healthy Image result for Am i healthy        

I am a nutritionist and this is my routine ........
  • I wake up at 7 O clock in the morning,
  • go out for a 30 mins walk,
  • do yoga for 30 mins,
  • take a healthy and heavy breakfast at 9 O clock,
  • then go out for work but still take a good lunch at 2 O clock,
  • take some snacks at 6 O clock with tea or coffee,
  • do some yoga for 30 mins,
  • take a light dinner at 9:30 pm and then
  • go to sleep at 11:30 pm or 12 in the night. 

I know what are you thinking, I am a fully healthy person as I dont do have even a single thing that can cause any damage to my health but we are wrong as I mentioned "we" because I mean "I" and "you" both as I also thought that i am a healthy person but I am not, I got common cold and fever every other day, I have spectacles, sometimes I have severe back pain, knee pain, headache etc.... I have such a healthy routine but still feel weak very often.

We often think that these are small problems and never care about them but these are the actual conditions which make us weak from inside and when we are captured by any serious disease then there is no power left in us to fight against it just because when we have to take some serious steps, that time we just ignored several things and tried to adjust with the small problems we were facing instead of solving them.

Do you know why i am not healthy as i live a healthy routine ?????
Because i was getting up early and going out for walk but still was getting polluted air instead of fresh air
I was taking a healthy and heavy breakfast and a good meal as well as light dinner but any eating item that we eat it is not that pure and healthy as it was in earlier times.

Today's life style is really harmful for human body, such as pollution, stress, junk food uv rays, depletion of ozone layer etc..

I will explain you how these things are making us unhealthy even if we are living a healthy routine or not!!!!!

(1) Do you smoke or are exposed to second hand smoke?
(2) Are you consuming chemicals along with air, water, vegetables and fruits ?
(3) Do you eat fried/ fast foods at least once a week?
(4) Do you daily take at least 9 servings of freshly harvested Fruits and Vegetables ?

In today's busy life it's impossible to avoid the risks mentioned above.
Throughout every life stage, our body needs a healthy balance of
vitamins, proteins and minerals. The hectic pace of modern life 
often causes missed meals which are deficient in Nutritional value. That's why food supplements
have become so essential. Almost all of us consume a lot of wheat 
flour (Atta), rice, Ghee and oil, junk food, pizza, burger, etc........ but not vitamins, minerals and 
phytionutrients. To make up for the deficiency in the optimal nutrition level of one's daily diet
and enjoy a healthier life, one should take Food Supplements.

Todays Lifestyle Challenges & Causes of Diseases
* Fast lifestyle
* Eating on the run or eating hurriedly
* Missing or skipping meals
* No time for physical exercise
* Smoking and drinking alcohol
* Presence of chemicals in air, water and food items
* Excess tension/ stress
* Medication
* Too much tea or coffee
* Too much salt, sugar and fatty foods with meal
* Not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables
* UV rays,  busy  lifestyle,  smoke,  pollution,  fast  foods,  
pesticides and fertilizers all lead to the creation of more Free
Radicals, which are very dangerous for health.

Free Radical weakens
Image result for free radicals
(a) The body's ability to fight diseases (b) Immunity (c) Body ages 
faster (d) More chance of getting high blood sugar, over weight (e) 
Heart diseases, cancer, problems of bone joints, etc. happen much 
earlier in life (f) Free radicals harm the heart, lungs, skin, brain and body tissues.

These pollution particles produces free radicals in our body, free radical attacks the  healthy cells and destroys them. These free radicals are the substance that are making us really unhealthy from inside. These are responsible for all diseases cancer even death. These free radicals can be stabilize by taking antioxidants in correct and accurate amount. Antioxidants are present in various foods you can directly take it as food but still the same problem appears that the food items nowadays are not pure and pollution free. 
Image result for free radicals
Today's Nutrition Freshly harvested, highly nutritious fruits and 
vegetables are not available due to prolonged storage and delay in transportation.

(i) Deficiency of vitamins and minerals and fibers in foods (ii) lack 
of phytonutrient in the diet (iii) High consumption of sugar, fat (iv) 
Excess consumption of fried fast foods like Samosa, Paratha, 
Pakora, Puri (v) Intake of high calorie foods like burger, pizza, pastries (vi) Unavailability of freshly harvested organic fruits and vegetables
Today  our  food  is  deficient  in  the  necessary  nutrients  
leading to a nutritional gap in our health.

To fill this nutritional gap and avoid health challenges, it is 
necessary to take food supplements. After all, what we eat today becomes our future.

So, my doctor recommended me to take some supplements with diet so that i can get the nutrients that i am not getting with a balanced diet due to polluted environment. But, as everybody i was also not in the favor of taking supplements as everybody else it was my thought that when we can take it in the form of food then why take it in the form of tablet but when i deeply researched about this supplement concept, i found out sooooo many things that were harsh truth about our daily diet and routine and at last got some supplements that are really good as well as important for our daily life of today...... Check it out.......
Image result for nutrilite
I have searched many brands but at last came in a conclusion that only Nutrilite is the one and only trusted brand in the field of dietary supplements as all the supplements by Nutrilite are natural as well as really good and compatible with the body..... also 
Nutrilite is the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, 
harvest and process plants on its own certified organic farms.

Some good, useful as well as really important supplements by Nutrilite are as follows----

1 - Nutrilite all plant protein powder
Image result for nutrilite all plant protein powder
We need protein daily as it is not absorbed by the body so we have take it daily to fulfill our daily requirements of protein. Protein are the building blocks of the body, and are constituents of all muscles tissues and also are responsible for growth and repair of the body
Proteins are soo important as we need 
                   1 kg body weight = 1 gm protein
                   50 kgs body weight = 50 gms protein daily !!!!!!!
as my weight is 50 kgs so i need 50gms of protein everyday, but i only get maximum to maximum 30-35 gms protein daily from my balanced diet. As i am a vegetarian i cannot take animal protein but if you are a non vegetarian then maybe you can think that your body does not require protein from any supplement but i am so sorry to say that you require protein more than i require. As animal protein such as meat fish eggs etc contain a large amount carbohydrates as well as fats which makes really hard for body to absorb the protein present in the them. We need energy so we need protein that too in a form that can be absorbed by the body. As it is like that we eat a lot things daily which contain protein but it is not in the form which is fully absorbed by the body and that is our main problem. Nutrilite all plant protein powder contain natural soy, pea and wheat protein which is 98% absorbed by the body. This product not only fulfill your protein requirement but also provide you 9 essential amino acids that is not made in our body. This powder can help you to gain weight as well as can also help to lose weight also confused right !!!! dont be !!! i will explain, it works according to your body's requirement if your body is under weight then it will increase your weight and if you are over weight then it will help you in decreasing your weight. Also the side effects of this product are also really really amazing!!!!!!!!! shocking right I will share a story ...........
Nearly 5 years back, I heard that their is a new product in the market Womens Horlicks, it is for women who is above 30 years of age as it will help to maintain the bone density and will give all the essential nutrients due to which women of this age faces various problems like joint pain, knee pain, back pain, weakness, etc .... So i thought that i should buy it for my mother and help her in being healthy for a long time but when i came across this protein powder I was just shock to know that Womens Horlicks contain only 3.5 gms protein per 10 gms serving but Nutrilite all plant protein powder gives 8 gms of protein per 10 gms of serving....... As when i notice the price difference of both the products it was huge as one packet of 500 gms Womens Horlicks comes in nearly Rs. 300 /- and in that place one packet of just 200 gms of Nutrilite all plant protein powder comes in about Rs. 1100 /-.  Obviously as everybody I went for rs. 300/- but when i saw that my mother started facing problems such weakness, joint pain, knee pain etc... I have to try that product Nutrilite All plant protein powder as I bought that product still i was sure that this powder is not magical so it cannot make my mother feel healthy in just one time but I was really shocked to see the results as it showed good results from the very first time. I gave it to my mother first time in the night and the next day in the morning she told me that she is feeling really good, energetic and her headache is gone. After some days of using of the product she also told me that her joint pain and knee pain is almost gone. As a side effects of the usage of this product she told that her hair fall is less, her cracked foot and hard ankles had become soft. Her skin has become soft she really does not need any kind lotion to make it soft. I had just paid 800 rs. more and got priceless gift, a very healthy feeling mother happily using this product with full satisfaction.

Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder does not contain any harmful substance as it is fully natural. Don't think it as a supplement, as the main reason of taking this powder is that your are not getting the nutrients that you need daily from your daily diet. 
As for vegetarians you can not eat soy products every time as it 
affect your digestion and for non vegetarians you can not eat animal protein daily as its carbohydrates and fats in excess amount will destroy your health even more. But now here is the way to get protein daily......just one scoop in the morning and one in night. 

Image result for nutrilite daily
Nutrilite Daily, a multivitamin and multi-mineral tablet, provides 13
essential vitamins and 11 essential minerals with additional 
advantages of natural plant concentrates like the organically grown 
acerola cherry, parsley, spinach, watercress, alfalfa and carrot. Nutrilite Daily is a
convenient way to help fill in the nutritional gap in your daily diet.

An adult
* Who has inadequate vitamin and mineral intake.
* Who has greater nutritional need related to lifestyle or life-stage:
sports persons, busy adults and the elderly.
* Who finds it difficult to maintain a balanced diet and has a busy
lifestyle, skips meals.
* Who chooses to eat highly processed foods, smokes, drinks

Take 1 tablet daily with meal.

Also Any one facing any health problem like joint pain, back pain etc..... then before giving thousands and thousands of rs. to the doctor just give this supplement a try because I have seen that so many people who have spent a lot of amount in the hospitals but finally got relief by taking this product. Trust me it really is very helpful as well as important!!!!!!!!!!!!. 

3 - Nutrilite Cal mag D
Image result for nutrilite cal mag d
This supplement is an awesome combination of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D to support a good bone mineral density. As calcium and magnesium is really necessary for good bone health but our body can not absorb it directly, it needs vitamin D to promote calcium absorption from the gut. Vitamin D helps our body to absorb sufficient amount calcium and magnesium. 

Really good product for persons having bone problem or want to keep their bones healthy......

Image result for nutrilite glucosamine
This  exclusive  formula  contains  Glucosamine  a  nutritional  
"building block" that supports healthy joints. Other ingredients 
include Bromelain, a natural enzyme derived from pineapple and Boswellia, which helps reduce
swelling in joints supporting normal joint function.

* Helps support normal joint functioning & mobility.
* For those who really want to maintain the health of their joints.

Trust me I have seen a 72 year old person taking this supplement and climbing up stairs very comfortably without any kind of pain in joints!!!!!!!!!!!! Really not fake you can meet that person too !!!!!!!
Just Take two capsules twice a day, preferably with meals. 

These are some important supplements that must be taken if you are facing any problem mentioned above or take it just to be active and live a healthy life. 
If you are taking any other health drink or powder horlicks, complain, or boost I will highly suggest you to just try Nutrilite All Plant protein Powder for once without minding the price as i can assure you that it will help you in getting more active and staying healthy.
I will highly suggest you take Nutrilite daily everyday to fulfill your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals as its results are unbelievable.......
If you, any of your family member, any body you know are facing any problem in the joints or bearing joint pain then I will highly recommend you to try Nutrilite Glucosamine HCl with Boswellia along with Nutrilite Cal Mag D to get a relief from the pain. 

Now it is your choice either you can ignore this even after reading and understanding and be in fake world that you dont need them and you are healthy without these supplements and in the future give thousands and thousands of rupees to the doctors and hospitals and then think that i should have taken these supplements earlier so that i will not facing these problems today. OR After understanding this do the first to buy the supplement suitable for you use them and live a long, healthy and active life.
I know that Nutrilite supplements may seem a little expensive for an average family but if you ignore it today then the expense of hospitals which you will face in the future will be 4 times more than this expense. 
Remember that today's saving by ignoring your health is tomorrows heavy expense on your health....... Think again before you decide. You can spend thousands of rupees for medi-claim then why not, on some supplements also to make you healthy......
Now it is up to you can either try these supplements and be healthy or spent money in hospitals but still please do keep my one point in mind that doctors and hospitals can only cure you or will only do the treatment of your disease but can never bring you back in your previous healthy stage. remember !!!! remember !!!!!

Also Nutrilite products can not purchased from the store as it is distributed by registered business owners or distributors only so if you want to buy these supplements in discount rates then you can buy it from where i buy it. Also these are only some of the supplements by Nutrilite there are a lot more.......
Image result for earn moneyImage result for earn money
If you want to earn while you spend then feel free to contact us…...
you can send your details through mail
audykavya234@gmail.com lehermehta432@gmail.com

Dont forget to share your physical or any health problems below, so that I can suggest you the suitable supplement for you along with the price...........These are only some of the benefits of the products really !!!!!!!! to know more please feel free to contact us... As being a Nutrition Expert I will definitely help you.....  Be Healthy forever!!!!!!!!!!!!


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